Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Who knew?

I feel totally at loose ends.  I look around the family room and there are a million things that I can do.  I don't know where to start.  I suppose the best place to go through the living room and a) pick up all the trash, and b) put away all the things that need to be put away and finally, dust and vacuum the room.  This is do-able.  I find it strange that I'm overwhelmed by what I see.  I tend to see an impossible mess and I have no plan to deal with it so I ignore it.  Since those options are out of the question as I am not hiding in books, playing on the computer, or watching tv, I have to start somewhere so this is it.

On another matter entirely, I rode the stationary cycle for 20 minutes, I feel good, and I'm looking forward to doing one of the workouts on  Comcast "On Demand."

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