Friday, February 26, 2010


I am totally amazed at how my general lack of focus impacts my weight.  Actually this problem affects most areas of my life.  My house isn't clean, there are piles of stuff everywhere, my email inbox is full of emails that could be moved other files.  My refridgerator looks like a hurricane swept through  a week ago.  My cupboards have boxes of cereal and crackers that have less than a handful of food in them, my pantry has some canned fruits and vegetables that date back to the last century.  My exercise and eating plans are good but I have no implementation plan.  Clearly something needs to be done and this snow filled weekend will provide the time to do it.  Best place to start -- the refrigerator

So tomorrow here is the plan:  initiate a major purge - getting rid of:

Food we don't like, food with things growing on it, anything that I can't tell what it is supposed to be, wash the walls and shelves, put the good stuff back then admire the back of the refrigerator which hasn't been seen since Christmas.

Clean the pantry - this will probably take the rest of the day.
Create an eating plan and stick it to the front of the fridge so I can make a grocery list.
Make a check off chart for my exercise and post in the downstairs powder room.
Collapse in a heap from all the work. Wonder if all that work counts as moderate exercise. 

On another note:  Tonight is the fish fry (shrimp, yum) with our friends Julie and Phil.  Can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that a certain amount of disorganization is natural: entropy happens! DO you want to spend ALL of your time running around putting things back in order? Or do you want to spend part of your time putting the most important things back in order and once a week or once a month or once a season cleaning out the fridge, reorganizing the pantry, cleaning mirrors, whatever.....?
