Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pitty Party

I just got home from a terribly bad day at work.  Let me just say that I loathe making mistakes.  I hate apologizing, and what I REALLY hate is making mistakes on top of mistakes - i.e. send a faculty member their "revised, final proposal budget and then finding ANOTHER mistake.  AAAAAACCCCCCKKKKK.  Now, I have to email him with the dreaded words that no one wants to say or hear - there is one last revision on the budget....sigh.  I am feeling very sorry for myself - (I'm sorry for him too but I'm more sorry for me.)

On top of that my boss and co worker and I were talking about diets and health - and I said that my nutritionist put me on more calories than I had been having as I wasn't eating enough to lose weight.  I could hear my supervisor's thoughts - you ARE EATING TOO MUCH to lose weight. I mean I could be projecting those thoughts on to him but I could hear the disbelief in his voice.  I will have to lose enough for it to show before he would believe me.  Hopefully that will happen as I'm still trying to stick with the plan.  I truly believe that I will lose weight as I am eating around 1,200 - 1,350 calories per day and I am increasing my exercise.  But still, the pounds aren't going fast and I really don't want them to because I really want to lose this weight permanently.  I'm in it this time to change my habits; and that's a long term project.

With that said - I also have to say that what I discovered yesterday has had a huge impact on my life already.  Today, I was driving home and feeling terrible, but wonder of wonders for once I didn't crave chocolate.  I am "owning" and consciously feeling the bad feelings and I'm not eating chocolate to make me focus on something other than my mistakes.  That is a HUGE difference in my life.  Also, since I am admitting these feelings and feeling them I have the urge to go downstairs and workout.   I think I may be starting to deal with them in a different way which is extremely exciting. 

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