Monday, February 8, 2010

I find it very interesting that when I came home from work today I didn't eat everything in sight (and this after a day when I didn't have a chance to get lunch..)  Instead, I had a small snack and changed  into my jeans then went to work in the livingroom.  I cleared all of the surfaces and moved everything that didn't belong there out.    Of course the dining area doesn't look so good now as that is where I put everything that I took out of the livingroom.   I plan to plug in the shredder and as I sort everything into stacks to be filed I will shred all of the things that need to be shredded.  I expect the dining room to be done in very short order, then on to the kitchen.  Oh, and I did the same thing in the family room (cleared all of the surfaces and put things away)  so that room looks pretty good too.  I feel much happier.  The rooms aren't perfect (and I know they never will be) but they are good enough.  In fact they look so much better than they did.  I have a big feeling of personal satisfaction and I feel so much lighter having the rooms clean.  I never expected that to happen.  I never expected to feel lighter because the house looked clean.  I never realized how closely these 2 things are tied together.  Perhaps everything in my experience is filtered through the lens of perfectionism.

1 comment:

  1. I feel lighter when I make my bed in the mornings. When I get home from work it is nice and smooth to sit on. I just thought I was crazy, perhaps it is genetic, hahaha.
