Saturday, February 5, 2011

32 Pounds to Go; 838 Calories Over the Limit

Okay; I've been thinking; I've been totally successful on MFP from September through a couple of weeks ago and today was my worst day ever.  I'm way over my calorie limit and I haven't even had dinner.  I have to ask myself ---what's going on?  Back before I was on MFP if I didn't work on weight loss - my weight didn't fluctuate and even though I overate - not to the point of gaining on a weekly or even daily basis anyway.  So I have to ask - why am I throwing roadblocks in my way?  Why am I doing this to myself?  What do I gain (besides the obvious) from staying fat?

My initial thought is "Nothing"  I don't get anything out of being fat.  But a deeper examination brings up some very uneasy feelings with regard to body image, weight loss, fear, self expression, and expectations.   I went on my first diet in 5th grade.  Mostly what I remember is the deep sense of shame at being fat and the resultant gnawing hunger from not eating enough.  I lost the extra 5 pounds of weight and got a lot of positive feedback but it never changed how I felt about myself after I was told I was too fat.   Somehow from that time on my self image has been that of a fat person,  even when I was in high school and weighed just over 120.  I was sure I was fat - it was who I was and my whole life has been lived as a fat person.  It is my self image, but more than that it is WHO I AM.  Is it any wonder that I panic when I think of changing?

I reached my first major milestone - 10 pounds lost and I panicked.  I have 32 more to go.  It feels like there is this huge wall of fear between me and my goal.  And a huge wall of failure.  And I hit the wall. I wonder who I will be if I lose the weight.  I wonder if I will even lose it in the face of this wave of feelings.

I need to stop living my life as a fat person.  I wasn't a fat person when I was in 5th grade - but my doctor freaked because I didn't fit the standard height weight charts and he scared my parents who did their well intentioned best to keep me healthy.  The problem was that I twisted and internalized the message and to me, at that time being fat made me a bad person.  This message has been the driving force of my life.  Now when faced with actually losing weight and being healthy I feel lost.  I talked to my husband about this and he pointed out that what it boils down to at the end of the day thin or fat, I need to answer 4 questions:

1.  Did I eat healthy meals?
2.  Did I drink enough water?
3.  Did I exercise - even a little?
4.  Did I get enough sleep?

Trust a man to cut to the heart of the matter.  This journey is all about health for me I can't afford to let it be about the thin = good and fat = bad mentality.  I have to let that go - it isn't serving me well.   If I don't lose another pound for a month -- if I can say yes to these four questions  I will be doing well. These questions are a better barometer of the choices I made.  And frankly, the thin = good mentality just isn't realistic. 

I admit it - I ate 800+ extra calories today.  That doesn't make me a bad person.

I lost a lot of weight today; the oppressive weight of being a fat person - and believe me, when fat = bad this is huge. Now, if only I can remember this tomorrow.

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