Sunday, November 14, 2010

Revised Goals

I posted on the MFP community board asking about other women's experience with losing weight after they go through menopause.  Most of them said the same thing -- it can be done -- it's just a little slower.  I need to expect to lose around a pound every ten days rather than every week.  Still - that would be over 30 pounds in a year and THAT would be a very healthy weight loss and one that I could live with.  Because I know that I'm still going to have dessert - I'm still going to crave chocolate - I'm still going to eat snacks.  In short, I'm going to live my life.  I think I'm going to need to expect to lose about 2 pounds per month. Maybe three.  Hopefully, it will be three when I'm exercising one hour a day, five days a week. 

I want to begin weight lifting.  I  think I'm going to go to fitzone for women today.  If it is clean and bright and only under $20 per month I will join.  That should help the weight loss effort too - it should also help the vitality goal as well.

I have to say - I am feeling way better physically.  I have more energy, I sleep better, and I just feel better.   One of the reasons I began this was to feel better. 

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