Thursday, May 27, 2010

Vision Journal

Recently a friend asked me if I had ever heard of Vision Boards.  I hadn't so I Googled them.  After reading about them I became quite interested.  They involve making a collage about the things that you would like in your life.  They are a way to visually represent those things that are really important to you.  This is a project tailor made for me.  First, it involves scissors and glue sticks - always a good start.  Second, it involves a fair amount of crafting and creativity - another passion.   Now, I'm not really a poster person so I decided to make a Vision Journal.  Last night I began by ripping pictures and words out of magazines, then cutting them up and pasting them into a journal my son made for me.  Here is what the first few pages revealed to me.  I am looking for more focus in my life.  The first picture in the book is the Michael Phelps ad that has appeared in a lot of magazines lately. The one with him wearing swim goggles.  The other picture on page one is of Dara Torres - as I pasted them in I was thinking that it took a great deal of focus and discipline for them to be successful and that's what made me realize that I want to be more focused on my goals. Hopefully as I work on this project I will learn more about what I want and will work to make it happen. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What to do, what to do

It us the danger time for me.  The time after work and before dinner for me that is between 2:30 and 6:00.  Since I am trying to keep to a more healthy diet I didn't buy any chips, crackers, cookies, or candy at the grocery store.  So I don't have my usual snack foods in the house.  Since I have eliminated the snacking option -- what I notice is that I don't quite know what to do with myself.  I'm realizing just how much a part of my life eating and reading have become.  Its a ritual I keep every day when I come home.  And it's not a healthy ritual.  I can think of all kinds of problems related to it.  First, I overeat - plain and simple I take in way too many calories for my body.  Second, I don't do what needs to be done.  By that I mean that I could do a lot of things that would be good for me - exercise, journaling, de-cluttering, visiting with friends.  Third, by doing this I shut myself off from the world, I live in a kind of half life characterized by withdrawl and solitude.  There is nothing wrong ith solitude - I need a lot of solitude  but it shouldn't be taken to extremes.  Especially when nothing constructive comes out of it.  I think I need to make a list.  I love lists.  This one will be about what I want out of this new time that I have available.  3 hours per day.